The first LTT was held between 18-22 October in Iaşi-Romania. The partners had the chance to meet face to face to get to know each other better. Although they knew lots of things from eTwinning activities of the project, the students of the partner schools explored the city of Iaşi and learnt a lot about the cultural heritage elements of the region. The enthusiasm that the participants had was worth mentioning. 

"Digital Ambassadors Of Cultural Heritage"

Schedule  lasi, Romania 18.10 2021-22.10.2021 Neoficial

Monday 18.10

Welcome participants 
lce breaking games among the participants. Adrian 
a)Presentation of partner countries 
b) Presentation of the city of ISEI 
10.45 Cofce Break 
a)Presentation of the UNESCO patrimony for each partner country 
b)New practices for developing teaching and learming methods (Cahoot- Romania) Adrian
c)Project leaders meeting 
12.45 Lunch 
Presentation of the cultural heritage of the city of lasi, guided tour( history and art) 
19.00 Dinner

Tuesday 19.10

9.00-Mecting at LTETC “Gh. Marzescu”, Visiting school( Corp A) 
Small reception show? 
10.45 Cofee break 
The following content of the “Digital Map” will be included 
• Industrial Heritage 
• Heritage from the Migrants 
• Natural Heritage 
• Heritage of Education 
• Heritage of traditional lifestyle 
12.00 Practical workshop activities : Digital Maps: E. Lombada 
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Departing for Cultural Visit -The Palace of Culture lasi and VasileAlecsandri National Theater
17.00 Free time
19.00 Dinner

Wednesday 20.10

7.30 Documentntion visit in the region of Moldova, Constantin Gheorghita 
Traditional House, Targu Neamt; Neamt Fortress 
12.30 Lunch
Voronet Monastery and Gura Humorului Monastery,
Unesco heritage; Seminar painting eggs: The egg muscum painted- Vama ? 
Retur lasi 
19.00 Dinner

Thursday 21.10

7.30 Documentation visit, Constantin Gheorghita
Natural Heritage:lasi- Hanul Ancutei- Bicaz, Chei, Lacul Rosu 
14.00 Lunch
15.00 Natural Heritage 
Retur: – Lacul Bicaz- TransCeahlau- Durau- Izvorul Muntclui, 

Friday 22.10

9.00 -9.30 Street games In Romania, Oana Curteza 
9.30- 10.45 Preparation of “Map of Digital Cultural Heritage” and translation into the languagcs of the partners, Presentation Ec. Lombada and Adrian Frentescu 
11.00 Evaluation, Certificates
12.30 Lunch 
14.00 Natural Heritage in Iasi ( outdoor activities:botanical garden)
15.00 Free time
19.00 Dinner