The Mangualde Group of Schools (cf. www.escolasdemangualde.pt) consists of all schools, from pre-school education to secondary level, including VET courses, recognition and certification of adult skills and distance secondary adult education, in Mangualde municipality.
Three of its main buildings are situated next to each other: Secondary School Felismina
Alcantara (headquarters of the Group), EB2/3 Gomes Eanes de Azurara, and EB2/3 Ana de Castro Osório. This last school has a School Centre, with several units and activities for pupils with special educational needs.
The Mangualde Group of Schools is the largest school unit in the district of Viseu: 2300 pupils, 260 teachers and 150 employees. The Mangualde Group of Schools is also the headquarters of EduFor. The EduFor Training Centre (cf. www.edufor.pt or www.edufor.eu) is the teacher training centre associated with six school groups, all of them in the district of Viseu in Portugal. The six groups of schools (Canas de Senhorim, Nelas, Mangualde, Penalva do Castelo, Sátão and Vila Nova de Paiva) associated with EduFor cover a large area of five councils and have a common potential in several domains. EduFor is acknowledged by the Portuguese Ministry of Education as a teacher training entity. EduFor has been pursuing apolicy of questioning, debate, analysis and training, and in a network environment we have been sharing experiments, innovative environments and answers.
The innovative projects that EduFor is now involved in and its Director’s participation in several conferences is proof of its activity. Because EduFor is an association of schools, it is in a position to involve human resources (teachers, staff, pupils, etc.) with the most appropriate profile for each project. Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde unites several school from different educational levels: preprimary, primary and secondary.
The EduFor Training Centre, which itself is a separate department of Agrupamento de
Escolas de Mangualde, and will be directly engaged in this project, is associated not only the schools in Mangualde, but also in Nelas, Mangualde, Penalva do Castelo, Sátão and Vila Nova de Paiva, all of them in the District of Viseu in Portugal. It is acknowledged by the Portuguese Ministry of Education as a Training Entity, registered under the number CCPFC/ENT-AE-1225/14.