The High School was established in 2013 by merging “Gheorghe Marzescu” Secondary
School Iasi, a school with a tradition since 1926, with the Technical College of Electronics
and Telecommunications founded in 1973, with a total number of 667 students and 80
employees. Our school has 2 main buildings: Building A-the high school and Building B-
primary and secondary levels. The school is situated in a working-class neighbourhood. The students in our school come from families with precarious financial situation, many of them come from rural areas and, in the primary and secondary school there are 30% Roma pupils, 25% of the pupils being with SEN, included in mainstream education. We are a school with a tradition of vocational and technical education in IASI, our city.
The school became operational in 1973 under the patronage of the “Tehnoton” factory. Since then, generations of young people have been educated to become highly qualified
professionals in the fields of electronics, automation, electrical engineering, computer and
telecommunications, working in companies in Iasi and in other cities of the country.
Qualifications obtained by the graduates of our school are: telecommunications technician, technician in automation, IT technician, automotive electrician, network infrastructure technician, text/image processing operator.
The two post-high school classes have the following profiles: infrastructure technician for
telecommunications networks and local networks and communications administrator. Our
school provides quality education that not only increases the chances of graduates on the
labour market, but also offers them the opportunity to continue their studies at universities in the country or abroad. Since this school has equipment related to the technical education, mainly on electronics and telecommunication, the project priorities fit the conditions of this partner. They will be able to contribute the project with the stated task for them. They have staff, experienced enough to create digital maps which will be one of the most important outcomes of this project. As well as its staff, the students of this school can cooperate easily with the project partners in creating all outcomes and share their experiences in contributing and creating other outcomes of the